Mangalore: Residents of Padil under the auspices of the Badlagudda Shanthi Nagara Nivasigala Okkuta’ organized Tulunadu Aatida Tammana at Kottari Bhavan Hall, Padil on August 7, Tuesday to highlight the significance of the month of Aati in Tulunad.
The guests and invitees were welcomed to the function by offering them the traditional jackfruit Garige, pottu kaapi and boiled sweet potato.
Local Corporator and Honorary President of the Okkuta was the chief guest. He was also felicitated on the occasion. Jayaraj Padil, former president, Herald Cutinha, Vice President, Roopa Salian, President of Women’s Wing and others were on the dais.
Various contests were conducted and cultural programmes were also organized.The participants and guests savored Tulunadu Aati delicacies like Gendeda Adde, Mamble, Pelakai Gatti, Patrode etc.