Mangalore: ACP of Mangalore sub-division, Ravindra K. Gadadi, on 20th Oct, Wednesday, here on the definite clues provided by a top officer of Mumbai’s Universal Copyright Protection firm, raided Shivam music at Clock Tower (near Gandhi park), and Satyam Video CD shops in Saibeen Complex opposite MCC offices, and seized a whole lot of Kannada, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam new films made in duplicate copies, as well as some objectionable (sex) blue films, from these shops owned by brothers Ganapathi Kini (arrested) and Ramanath Kini (absconding).
Shivam Music shops yielded 2,100 MP-3 discs, 2800 DVDs, 1350 VCDs, recorded CDs, 4000 posters and 64 blue films and CDs/DVDs, costing around Rs.4.725 lakhs. A case has been registered against Ganapathy Kini and further investigation is on in Police Circles, according to CPC Seemanth K.Singh who conducted a Press meet in his office on Wednesday.
In Satyam Cassettes shop (at Saibeen Complex), 1100 MP-3 discs, 1250 VCDs, 60 DVDs and 24 blue films with CD/DVDs were seized by the Police in their round ups. The value of these seized materials could be about Rs. 2.45 lakhs, the police estimated.
Burke Police have registered a case against the absconder and piracy materials seller Ramanath Kini, stated the City Police Commissioner SK Singh in a press meet held at the Pandeshwara office.
Dy CP Muthuraya, City ACP Ravindra Gadadi and their staff were present on this occasion.