Mangalore : In a heinous incident, Police have arrested few unidentified men for using a-year-old calf to satisfy their sexual urges near the labour colony in Padoor of Majoor village September 21, Sunday.
It is learnt that, Police have taken four suspects from the labour colony for inquiry over the sexual assault on the calf belonging to Narayana Kulal of Padoor Shantigudde.
Reportedly Kulal had tied his calf near his house to feed on the fodder, but later he found it to be missing. When he went in search of it, he found it near the forest area in a bleeding condition.
In a short while he along with few locals saw a youth walking around holding a bottle of liquor and caught hold of him and gathered the information about the incident and arrested other miscreants too.
Few locals in association of Kalathur Janajagruti Vedike members also started agitating over the heinous incident and demanded immediate eviction of the labour colony.
The Shirva police inspector Ashok P and other police personnel visited the spot and tried to control the siutaion. When they did not agree the police with the help of the labour colony manager, took the four youths into custody.
Srikanth Phadke, assistant director of animal husbandry department and Shirva veterinary doctor Arun Kumar Hegde examined the calf and confirmed it to be subjected to sexual assault.