Kasargod : The Kasargod police have said to have solved over 20 theft cases in just three months in the limits of Manjeshwar, Kumble, and Badiyadka police station, with the arrests of Babu Kuriyakose (53), a native of Poorinhath in Kottayam. Police also seized iron rod, screw driver used to execute theft from his possession.
It is learnt that, Babu Kuriyakose was imprisoned at Central Jail Kannur, in connection to different theft cases, was released on December 27, 2013. Soon after being freed, he kept moving to Kasargod, Ullal, Mangalore and stayed in lodges and planed to execute the theft at night after identifying the houses during day time.
Babu who was well known for the theft of donation boxes from religious centres, was accused in the theft at Yetadka temple, by breaking into the temple office in January 2014. He also washed away temple box installed in Perla town and box from Katukukke and Mundittadka temples in the same month.
In the month of February, Babu Kuriyakose had broken open the door of Yetadka primary health centre, and stolen golden bangles belonging to the staff placed on the table, while in March he robbed money from Lord Ayyappa Bhajana Mandir at Majibail and Rado watch from a house in Batyapadavu near Morattane.
Apart from it he has also stolen donation boxes from a Bhajana Mandir in Beripadavu near Bayar, temple in Chigurupade and Vorkady gram panchayat office. But police foiled his game, when he was trying to execute a plan of theft near Kukkar at midnight on April 24, Thursday.
Kumble circle inspector of police Suresh Babu, and Manjeshwar police sub-inspector P Vijayavan conducted the arrested under the team led by deputy superintendent of police T P Ranjit.