Ernakulam: The Ernakulam district court on the specific orders from Supreme Court sent its officers and representatives of Kashi math Samsthan in Kerala, under police protection, to the residence of former Kashi Math head Raghavendra Theertha in Ellamkkara to seize Puja materials belonging to the Kashi Math but usurped by the removed disciple Raghavendra (whose whereabouts were not known). The raids yielded no property, taken away by the former disciple of Swamy Sudheendra Teertha in Kerala.
One Nandakumar Oarbhu told Court Commission and the seizure officials (known as Amins) that he (the accused) had gone out and that Prabhu did not know where he was. Some of followers of the ex-Swami (Raghavendra) also confused ignorance on the subject, when queried.
A detailed search of the house was launched and some almirahs were broken by the Amins to find out where the enlisted materials were, but nothing could be found on Tuesday at Ellamkkara.
234 gold ornaments, 27 idols, about 50 silver, ornamental materials, besides over 100 saligrama stones (of worship), were still missing.