Bengaluru : In a first, Principal City Civil Court, Bengaluru, has restrained social media and cellular messaging services and the print and electronic media, from publishing or broadcasting any news relating to IAS officer Rohini Sindhuri or her husband Sudhir Reddy in connection with the death of IAS officer D K Ravi.
Sudhir Reddy, a software engineer and a resident of T Dasarahalli, had filed an interlocutory application (IA) seeking interim injunction on media from publishing any derogatory statements linking his family with the case relating to Ravi’s death.
In the application, Reddy had listed all kinds of media, including Google, WhatsApp, Facebook, Youtube and Bing. The court has passed an interim order, ex-parte, restraining all these media from reporting any development in the death of D K Ravi, in connection with applicant Reddy and his wife, who is now CEO of Mandya Zilla Panchayat.
The applicant had also requested the order to be applied to gateways, which work as platform to stream a news. Hence, besides mainstream print and visual media, cyber media has also been restrained from publishing the matter and directed to block archive material.