Delhi: A Pune based NGO-National Anti-corruption Public Power-president Heman Baburao Patil has alleged that Anna Hazare’s Hind Swaraj Trust was guilty of corrupt practices as found out in an enquiry by a retired Supreme Court Judge P.B Sawant. Patil went to Delhi High Court with a petition accusing Hazare of corruption and demanding his removal from the Lokpal Bill drafting committee.
The DH Court on Wednesday (today) reserved its order on the maintainability of such a petition against special activist Hazare. The Court wanted the matter to be studied at length before deciding on it one way or the other.
Patil accused in the petition that one of the Trusts run by Hazare was not even registered and still it received money illegally. He said, several criminal cases were pending against the 73 year old Hazare, when he took up Lok Pal bill.