New Delhi : Railways is likely to name one of the new trains announced today by Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal after the Delhi gangrape victim. According to sources, the railway ministry could make a formal announcement soon that the Chhapra-Anand Vihar Express (weekly) will be named either ‘Nirbhaya’ or ‘Beti’ after the girl.
The train will pass through Ballia, which is the hometown of the girl, they said.
The 23-year-old paramedical student was raped and brutally assaulted by six persons in a moving bus here on December 16 last year. She was admitted to a Singapore hospital where she succumbed on December 29.
Bansal, while replying to railway debate in Parliament today, announced introduction of 19 more trains, including the Chhapra-Anand Vihar Express.
Sources said railways had received representations from the local leaders in Ballia for a train connecting the national capital to their town and naming it after the girl.