Udupi: Rajeshwari Shetty, the main accused in Businessman Bhaskar Shetty murder case has requested the state high court with a writ petition to cancel the death certificate issued in the name of Bhaskar Shetty.
The petition was heard by single bench chaired by A S Bopanna on Monday, August 14. The judge sent notice to revenue department, prosecution, Gulabi Shedthi the mother of Bhaskar Shetty, Manipal police station, Tahasildar of Karkala and district birth and death registration department and adjourned the case to a later date.
A missing compliant was lodged on Bhaskar Shetty and his body was never found. But the death certificate has been issued by the concerned department without proper proof about the death said the petition.
Rajeshwari hence has asked the court to deny the death certificate of Bhaskar Shetty.
Rajeshwari Shetty, wife of Bhaskar Shetty is one of the main accused in the murder. Other four are, Navaneet Shetty, Niranjan Bhat, Srinivasa and Raghavendra. Navaneet is son of Bhaskar Shetty and Rajeshwari.