Bangalore : In a surprise move, Actress Ranjitha on Friday claimed she is a Sanyasini and appealed to everyone not to call her ‘Ranjitha’ any more. She changed her name to ‘Ma Anandamayi’ after taking vows to follow the 5 strict rules of a Sanyasini. The actress pledged that she would be spending her rest of life as a disciple of Nithyananda.
The entire process took place in the presence of Swamy Nithyananda and hundreds of his disciples at Bidadi Ashram near Bangalore. It has been customary at the ashram to make new disciples take oath on the birthday of Nithyananda. Today, the controversial swamy celebrates his 37th birthday.
Sex scandal of Nithyananda and Ranjitha aired on a popular TV Channel had been a sensation. However, both of them declared the video as morphed and it’s just a conspiracy to damage the image of the Swamy. Despite the criticism, Ranjitha always stayed at the Bidadi ashram of Nithyananda and continues to do the same in future as well.