Kasaragod: The Malabar(Kerala) Police resorted to baton-charging and bursting tear-gas packs, to contain violent mobs staging protest under a left-wing youth organisations front, gathered near local DC’s office on Wednesday, to oppose the retirement age fixed at 56 years, set by state administration.
Policemen as well as protestors were both injured in the disorder that prevailed. SI Mohad Iqbal, Women police Leena and Saraswathi, youth activists, and TV Channel workers were wounded in clashes of confused mobs running helter-skelter.
DYFI, AIYF and RYF activists organised he protest, and a rally that turned violent at Vidya Nagar junction on way to DC office. The police tried to restrain the protestors near Kasaragod district headquarters.
The tense situation lasted 90 minutes, and normalcy returned only when additional forces were deployed.
The Police squads arrested hundreds of activists, while taking the injured to various hospitals.