Bengaluru: Special Investigation Team (SIT) has released sketches of three suspects who might have murdered senior journalist Gauri Lankesh in Bengaluru on September 5. This is for the first time SIT appeared before media to provide information on progress of its investigation into the murder after its 38 day long inquiry.
Speaking in a press conference in Bengaluru on Saturday, SIT head BK Singh released the sketches and said the images have been prepared based on the information provided by the eye witnesses who reportedly present in the locality when the murder took place and CCTV visuals obtained from CCTV camera installed at the residence of the writer.
BK Singh along with other SIT officers elaborated the progress of investigation into the murder case and said the culprits were reached the state capital seven days prior to the murder and the professional killers used country made 7.65 mm pistol.
SIT is yet to gather information on identity of the suspects, their nativity, organization to which they belong and others. SIT urged the Bengaluru city residents to record their statement before SIT if they have any information on the three suspects. The SIT has also gathered information on motor cycle which was used to by the suspects. SIT has reportedly recorded the statements of more than 250 persons to gather clues on the murder.
Gauri Lankesh was a journalist in Bengaluru. She worked as an editor at Lankesh Patrike, a Kannada weekly and another periodical Gauri Lankesh Patrike. She was murdered by unidentified culprits on September 5, 2017 at her residence in Bengaluru.