Astrologer Sri Giridhara Bhat, will provide you with the right solution and guidance for your problems. Call on 9945410150.
There may be frequent conflicts in couples. Occasionally, these are the days when some people can hear the words of someone and live far away.
If there is compassion and love in marriage, that is paradise. When you have problems constantly, there is a lot of hardship. Your problems will affect your children as well.
Conflict between couples is often caused by some errors in the horoscope, the perverse of the planet, the words of some people, and the immoral relationships. They can do this little trick as a solution.
Wrap the 11 Gomati Chakra in Sindhura in yellow cloth, which should be placed in the bedroom of your home This will help keep your marriage happy.
Article: Astrologer Giridhara Bhat
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