Mangaluru : The aided school teachers comes under south block have not received their salary for the past three months.
The job without pay for the past months has landed many teachers in deep financial crisis as they depend on their salaries to run their houses and meet other expenses.
According to sources, the officials committed an error while calculating the annual budget before sending it to department of public instruction. This resulted in funds getting exhausted before November itself. In 2017-18, an annual grant of Rs 1,154 crore was released. In 2018-19, the officials of BEO (south) demanded only Rs 902 crore but DDPI released Rs 922 crore. Even then, there was shortage of funds and the aided teachers were at the receiving end because of the mistakes committed by the officials.
Punish the persons who have done the mistake including the bosses. Their salaries to be distributed the teachers otherwise they may not be serious in their jobs.
S R Lokesh, block education officer, Mangaluru south, admitted there was an issue in fund allocation. “The process for issuing salary is underway. All teachers will receive their December and January pay in few days,” he assured.