Mangalore : JCI president Muliya Krishna Narayana said that Junior Chamber of India in association with Rotary Club, Puttur will inaugurate a ROTA JC Down Syndrome Academy, a special school for children suffering from Down syndrome at Rotary Manisha Building, Puttur on April 28.
Addressing the media at the press meet held Press Club on April 25, Friday, he said that the organization will set up a school, with an aim to provide qualitative life for children suffering from Down Syndrome.
He said that the organization felt the necessity of school after they saw Suresh Nayak of Puttur, who has achieved the higher goal in spite of his haunting disability.
The school will commence on World Down Syndrome Day on June 2 for the children with age group of 5 and 18 suffering from Down Syndrome. The academy will take class from Monday to Friday between 10 am to 3 pm at a monthly fee of Rs 300. The organization has also planned to set up physiotherapy unit in the future, he added.