Mangalore: National Voters’ Day was observed in Mangalore on January 25, Friday. Dr K Shantharam Shetty, Vice Chancellor of Nitte University, inaugurated the programme. Students formed a human chain and also rendered awareness songs on voters rights on the day.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Shantharam Shetty said India needed good social leadership as also political leadership and added a good leadership can go a long way in bettering the condition of the nation. He also pointed out how even 62 years after independence, India reeled under various problems like poverty and illiteracy.
Mangalore University Professor in Political Science Dr PL Dharma, was the key note speaker on the occasion. He called upon voters to know about their rights and responsibilities. Deputy Commissioner N Prakash, Mangalore City Corporation Commissioner Harish Kumar, Additional DC Dayanand. Assistant Commissioner MV Venkatesh and others were present.