Bangalore: The new Lokayukta Judge Shivraj V. Patil, started his investigation work on Monday, going through files of rural sub-registrars in Bangalore Rural taluka, and continued this search on Tuesday to detect illegal transactions an registered cases against several officials and brokers on seizing cash.
The Patil teams visited several rural sub-registrars’ offices in Doddaballapura, Anekal, Hoskote, Devanahalli, Nelamangala and Jigani, in surprise raids conducted to alert local officials.
Legal cases were noted against over 10 agents in these places, suo motto by Lokayukta teams for irregularities.
In Nelamangala, Rs 46,000 were seized from an agent, in Hoskote Rs11,450 from SDA Vishwanath, and in sub-registrar Papanna’s office Rs.15,260 found in excess, were seized.
Dy SP Prasanna Raju led these raids, which took place following public complaints that excessive charges were collected in cash by officials and some brokers to get things done. CCTV and online registration were needed, says the new Lokayukta here.