Subrahmanya: Two youths who had ventured into the Kumaradhara River for fishing reportedly drowned on Wednesday evening. The deceased youth are identified as Latish son of Kadu Honnappa and Lakshith son of Elyanna, both residents of Deva in Devachalla village.
Five youths from Devachalla village had gone to Gaganakaje area of Kumaradhara River for fishing. In the afternoon, they had their lunch on location itself. In the evening, while the group was returning back by crossing a stream, one of the members slipped and washed away by the water. It is being said that another person who ventured into the water to save the prior person was also washed away while the remaining three people, scared by the turn of events chose to leave the place.
In the evening, since it was growing late and the youth had not returned, the family members called the youth’s mobile which was received by the youths and that is when the incident came to light. The information of the incident was relayed to Subrahmanya police and the station SI Madhava Kodigi and staff rushed to the spot. More information is awaited.