Udupi: Activists of BJP and Congress ended up fighting during the of Bharat Bandh strike on Monday. A huge BJP protest was held in front the SP office protesting the assault on BJP leader Prabhakar Poojary. That is when the police initiated the lathi charge.
The Tahsildar Pradeep Kurudekar ordered the imposition of Section 144 throughout Udupi city in this backdrop.
According to reports, the situation came into existence after Congress workers assaulted BJP leader Prabhakar near Bannanje. When the police arrived to control the situation and prevent a fight, the workers of both the parties refused to heed to the police requests. Hence, the SP Laxman Nambaragi directed the lathi charge.
When Congress workers tried to forcefully shut down shops, BJP workers attempted to prevet this will led to the violence. There is information that Congress leader Ramesh Kanchan has suffered injury due to the lathi charge.
As a precautionary step, Sec 144 has been implemented since the evening till 6 am tomorrow morning, informed the police.