Udupi: Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal members lashed out at Congress party for misusing their power to bring food from Kollur temple to the CM’s programme.
Addressing the media, they questioned as how did the Kollur temple approve to the demands of providing food to the attendees of Sadhana Samavesha while they had refused to help with food arrangements during Dharma Samsad
He added that Congress has taken undue advantage of being in power. “Sadhana Samavesha was indeed Congress Samavesha. Congress flags were unfurled everywhere in the district. It was not at all the government’s programme,” he said.
VHP and Bajrang Dal activists requested the police department to look into the expenses and see if the CM has made any payment on this.
Members also clarified regarding Dharma Samsad and said that it was not a BJP programme and BJP flags were not put out anywhere.
They also declined the allegation that Pramod Madhawraj was not invited for the three-day Dharam Samsad. He said he tried contacting him many times but in vain.