Mangalore: On Friday last, there was social trouble and unrest, seen at local Noor Mosque when some Muslim women were prevented from offering Namaz prayers at the place, which was so far known as the first Masjid in the city to allow women in a group within its portals to pray.
The hurt women who could not pray at the Noor Masjid went to the High Court for social justice. The court ruled in their favour to allow them to pray during Id-ul-Fitar and subsequent Fridays in a room.
The Mosque allowed women to pray in a separate room daily, except on Friday afternoons, as large number of men turned out then and more space was needed for them to pray.
On Sept.17, men had already occupied the separate room when women entered, and they refused to come out on request. Police arrived on the scene, but could not change the situation. However, women were later allowed to pray outside the special room. A final HC decision is awaited in this regard.