Mangalore: The Department of Botany of the University College Mangaluru celebrated ‘World Environment Day’ at the college premises on Saturday.
As part of the program, the Scientific Officer of the Pilikula Center Scientific Officer Ramakrishna Marathe explained the importance of the biodiversity of the Western Ghats to the students. The Principal Dr. Anasuya Rai, in her presidential address, opined that it is our duty to keep our environment clean and fresh, we should not ask for any excuses.
Botany Department Head Dr. Shobha said, “In the name of World Environment Day plantation drive is being held all over the world and it should be motivated.” Assistant Professor of the Department Dr. Siddaraju MN said that now environment protection is not our responsibility but is a necessity. Three plants belonging to the endangered species were planted in the college campus. Students planted saplings in their house gardens as a part of the celebration.