Kundapur: In a heartbreaking incident a young lad lost his life after falling from a government bus while boarding on it, at Ambagilu in Uppunda on Friday.
Raghavendra Shetty (21) of Uppunda is the deceased youngster. He was a student of third year BCom at BB Hegde College at kundapur.
He accidentally slipped from the foot board of the government bus and fell on road. Same time a private bus running in the same direction passed over him claiming his life on the spot.
There were nearly 50 students in the government bus and when it stopped at Uppunda Raghavendra tried to board on it, but it is said that the bus driver moved the bus before Raghavendra could board properly. So, he lost balance and fell on the road.
He was rushed to a hospital at Kundapur where he was pronounced dead. There were deep inuries on his head and he had lost lot of blood.
As soon as the news of Raghavendra’s death spread among the students, raged students and locals gathered in hundreds and staged protest. Police failed to bring the situation under control initially. Students staged protest in front of the hospital also.
Police increased the number of its personnel as the protest went on intensifying and a KSRP squad was also deployed at the place.
Udupi SP Annamali arrived at the spot and tried to sooth the students. Kundapur circle inspector Diwakar P M and SI Nasir Hussain and other police personnel led by Kundapur DySP Praveen Nayak have camped at the spot.
A case has been registered at Byndoor police station.