Mangaluru : The Sixth Additional District and Sessions Court has sentenced a person named Nagesh to seven years of rigorous imprisonment apart from imposing a fine Rs 30,000 in connection with the case of barging into a ladies hostel at Derlakatte last year and then attempting to outrage the modesty of a medical student.
Nagesh alias Naga (30) who was living near Gorigudde, and resident of KR Nagar in Mysore district was entered Kshema Ladies Hostel of KS Hegde Hospital, Derakatala on December 5, 2017 at 4 pm.
The convict Nagesh who had barged into the hostel had also threateed a 22 year old medical student and had demanded Rs 5 lakhs. He had later escaped with a cash of Rs 3,000 from her purse and her ATM card after securing its Pin number. He had even snatched th ATM of another student.
The accused had then tried to withdraw cash from an ATM using the card. Later he was arrested on the basis of finger print evidence and CCTV footage