Deralakatte: A motor car and motor bike rally by the members of Hindu Jagaran Vedike and Bhajarangal from Konaje to Talapady via Deralakatte took place on Dec.27, Friday, and ended up in a huge protest rally of students, Teachers, people of the locality and members of Hindu outfits at Deralakatte, to condemn the recent kidnap-blackmail-ransom effort of a gang of 8 Muslim anti-social persons in the University area, were they were rounded up by ACP and local police officials on Dec.26.
The Vajradehi Matt Guru, Swami Rajashekharananda warned the state Govt. of dire consequences by Hindu majority, if such shameful incidents rocked the area of 3 Universities again in future.
He reminded that a big outcry was raised by print and electronic media internationally and nationally over a small incident in Balmatta of a Hindu slapping a disco dancer girl a few years ago and later the ‘Home Stay’ incident in Padil were a few boys and girls of Hindu origin celebrated a birthday party with a dance, which was advertised by a media person (Soorinje) who was jailed for more than 6 months. Now, when the minority community commits an ignoble crime in the open the public critics in press and TV channels in India and Abroad have turned their faces away. Why this double standard observed by the press, TV and Govt. media when in Deralakatte 8 gangsters made a ransom drama with a boy and a girl knowing each other were put to shame by the group of 8 Muslim Rowdies are now behind bars in judicial custody for 15 days after their arrest, the Swami asked.
Convener of the Hindu Jagarana Vedike (HJV), Satyajit Suratkal pointed out that the minority young stars Muslim have taken to bad habits of dealing in intoxicating drugs, blackmail and ransom deals to harm the Hindu girls over a period I n attempts like Love Jehad and sexual relationships among students to rock and frighten the University areas in Konaje and Deralakatte, which is derogatory to the existence of 3 Universities and their educational systems. He warned the minority communities not to find fault with Hindus and students, when their own hands were dirty.
Bhajarangdal convener Sharan Pompwel speaking on the occasion at the protest rally in a University area blamed the Siddaramaiah Govt. as anti-Hindu. He asked why the earlier witshual blowers were silent in the matter and trembling in public now.
The rally ended without any memorandum address to the ruling Govt. or Congress Party.