Mangalore: Muslims all over the coast from Kerala to Karwar celebrate Milad-un-Nabi Eid today, Tuesday Feb.15. A large procession was taken out from Boobuqa mosque in the city, passing through Golikatta circle, Azizuddin Road and Carstreet to the Tippu Sulthan Durgah on Light House Hill where prayers were offered by masses of devout Muslims and greetings were exchanged in utter friendliness. The procession was guided by Social Service Centre of Mangalore.
The Day is also celebrated as Prophet Mohamed’s birthday and the Day of his passing away, so the Muslims have to celebrate the day in religious and social activities of mutual co-operation. Mosques have organised prayers and discourse by religious guides for the grand occasion.
Yenapoya Mohd. Kunhi, Al Madarasa Tul Azaria President, former Mayor K.Ashraf, Vice-president SM Rashid, and secretary Haji Hanif were present in the occasion.