Mangaluru : The Mangaluru City Police Commissionerate organised the Service Parade of officers of 18 police stations at the Police parade grounds on September 13, Friday.
City Police Commissioner Dr P S Harsha received the guard of honour on the occasion an open jeep.
Speaking on the occasion, the Commissioner said, we have already introduced ‘My Beat My Pride’,in the city. A 30,000 active beat members through 700 WhatsApp groups. He said an app would be launched for the purpose very soon. He said Asha Kiran programme would be launched soon to help reform rowdy elements. The Commissioner on this occasion also assured stern action against drug peddlers.
He said, people of Mangaluru have shown good support and have joined hands with the police. Through ‘My Beat and My Pride’, we collect necessary information from the beat police and members so that we can act on the problems immediately.
The Commissioner ended his speech in Tulu by thanking the public for their co-operation to the My Beat My Pride programme.
DCP (Crime And Traffic) Laxmi Ganesh, DCP (Law and Order) Arunagshu were present. For the first time, the service parade was steamed live on the Facebook Page of City Police and Twitter handle of City Police Commissioner.