Bangalore: The BJP has complained to the Election Commission against AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal for allegedly making defamatory statements against the party’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi and other leaders. A delegation of state BJP leaders led by party spokesperson Suresh Kumar lodged the complaint with the Chief Electoral Officer Anil Kumar Jha on Monday.
Kejriwal, in his public address at the Freedom Park here on Sunday, had used defamatory, derogatory, bad and intemperate language against Modi, who is known for his provenance and integrity in governance and administration, the BJP leaders said.
Kejriwal, knowing fully well that the statement he is making is false and defamatory, stated that even if a defamation case is filed against him, he will not care. This clearly demonstrates he does not care for the law of the land, they said.
The BJP, in its complaint, said: “Kejriwal has stated that in Gujarat one has to pay `5,000 to get a driving licence and `2.75 crore to get a DySP transferred. Kejriwal also said if Modi becomes the prime minister he will fix a price for everything.”
Kejriwal has also accused modi of crony capitalism by stating that a farmer from Gujarat had met him and told that he had lost all his land to Ambani and Adani under the Modi government, the complaint added.
The BJP said Kejriwal has been promoting and proclaiming falsities which is an offence punishable under section 505(2) and 171G of the Indian Penal Code and under 123(4) of the Representation of People Act.