Mangalore : Speaking at the press meet held at Press Club on August 11, Saturday on the Morning Mist Home Stay attack held at Padil night of July 28, Saturday victim Vijay Kumar said that the police department has not helped the victims of the attack even when the activists of Hindu Jagarana Vedike dragged the girls in front of them.
Commenting on the statement given by Hindu Jana Jagarana Vedike activists alleged that the boys and girls were involved in undesirable activities, and liquor was also found but nothing illegeal was going on. The boys and girls were just drinking beer and no drugs were taken, he said.
Another victim Gurudutt Kamath said that one of their friend had suggested about the Morning Mist Home Stay for the birthday party and they had booked it at 1.30 pm and reached at 2.30 pm with Vijay and nine other friends of another birthday girl, including 6 girls and 4 boys. After the birthday girl cut the cake, Gurudutt left from the place with Vijay. Later at 5.30 they came again with three other friends to celebrate Vijay’s birthday. By then one girl and boy of birthday girls team had left the place.
At the time of attack, total 13 were preset including 5 girls and seven boys. The attackers also robbed the gold chain from two boys and one girl, two mobiles phones and two wallets having the amount of Rs 5,000 and a license.
The rent for Homestay was Rs 5,000 and booked for only one day and was shared by Vijay and other birthday girl. The girls were celebrating the birthday inside the home and two boys were outside. By then around 30 to 40 people came and starting assaulting boys and girls without asking anything.
He also said that they do not have any hope on police department, since they were silent when the activists were pulling girls in an indecent manner. The State Womens Commission chief C Manjula has not even spoke to the victim girls, before giving the report. The colleges have not restricted any students from writing exams and none of the girl was sent to Gujarat, he said.
Vijay clarified that they have not received any threatening call after the incident by the attackers or the organisation. The girls had come to the homestay in same dress and not in uniform from the college, he added.
He also said that the police have still not arrested many attackers and the man who robbed the gold chain has not in arrested list, hence CBI enquiry must take place in this issue. He will also file a complaint against the police in the court and Human Rights Commission.
Later another victim Avron Lorna Rosario, Human Resource department final year student of SDM College said that he was outside the home stay gate at 7 pm and was the one who bought the cake. When he was ready to enter the house, he saw a man in Black YBX bike led by the police jeep including one driver and four constables. The man got down from the bike and showed the house to the police and said about the attack. Hence he got scared and threw the cake aside and went in bike till Padil junction and came. At 7.30 pm he again entered the home to see the situation as a stranger and saw the attack, he said.