Mangaluru: Chief minister Siddaramaiah said that kambala, with its ability to bring people together, stands as a truly secular sporting tradition that people of Tulunadu have been following without bias. The CM was speaking as a guest at a public meeting held as part of Lava-Kusha Jodukare Naringana Kambalotsava, which is being held under the guidance of assembly speaker UT Khader, at Boladapadavu in Naringana village on Saturday.
“Kambala transcends religious, caste, linguistic, and cultural boundaries, drawing participants from diverse backgrounds. Our nation exemplifies unity amidst diversity. We should foster mutual respect and harmony rather than creating divisions. The govt’s efforts are directed towards uniting seven crore Kannadigas and Indians. We refrain from categorising people based on caste distinctions,” Siddaramaiah said.
Kambala, a traditional sport with deep historical roots, enjoys immense popularity in this region. Although the Supreme Court initially prohibited this rural activity, the Karnataka govt successfully overturned the ban, enabling its continuation, he said.
“This rural sport exemplifies the unique relationship between farmers and their buffaloes. Farmers maintain exceptional care and devotion towards their buffaloes, cows, and other domestic animals, often surpassing the attention given to their own children. Being a cherished tradition of Tulunadu, Kambala deserves preservation. Recognising its significance, the govt took comprehensive measures to safeguard this sporting tradition,” the CM said.