Mangalore : As the DK incharge and Parts minister, Krishna Palemar arrived today at the DCO gates to meet the protesting youth seeking jobs from displaced families is MSEZ, now on indefinite hunger strike near Hamilton circle, with police keeping strict vigil.
The minister promised to solve the tangle facing the graduates by March 22, but only after discussing the matter with MRPL / MSEZ officials concerned for their career in service.
He asked the striking youngsters to withdraw their hunger strike as that would create tension and unnecessary complications, while assuring remedies and fulfillment of their demands.
Lokesh who conducts the protest programme talking to newsmen refused to make compromises in the original demands, and that protest would not be withdrawn at whatever cost, until demands were fully met.
Lokesh openly asked MRPL/ONGC in MSEZ to provide long term jobs as promised before lands were forcibly acquired for MRPL expansion.
The protesters have already warned the D.K. district administration and MSEZ authorities about shifting the protest venue to MRPL site where the protestors had their lands / belongings new displaced.