Karkala: A renowned cricketer and commentator/reporter on cricket form Mumbai, Ravi Shastri visited the Vishnu temple and Snake garden in Karvalu on Tuesday, to offer special worships.
He was in Ahmedabad on Monday to report for an ODI against West Indies (which Indian Team lost) and went to Mumbai to catch a plane for Mangalore.
He had brought his wife to ancestral home at karvalu, to worship the Naga devta there, 5 years back. They had a daughter (Alaika) later on.
This year, he paid his fifth visit and made donations to the deities in the presence of his elder relatives from Mangalore.
Temple trustees received the couples in love and honour. Ravi admitted that a lot of changes had taken place since his first visit to the village temple for his welfare. He met a number of local people, and dignitaries. He stayed at Manipal and plans to visit Sirur Math on Dec 7.