Mangalore: DK minister incharge Krishna Palemar has directed the Horticulture/Agriculture departmental officials here on Tuesday, in a review meeting on areconut palms rotting disease, to conduct a thorough survey on this disease, which is hard hitting areca growers in the entire district and to take the help of local GPs and Co-operative societies and submit a complete report by end of October month.
The minister was enraged by the total inactive and aloof attitude of such dept. officials and warned them of retaliatory action, after he saw Raitha Sangha office bearers and several other farmers in areca estates, expressed their anger.
The areca growers accused the extension workers or not doing any work to stem the rot in areca palms disease.
The minister questioned several officers, but only one from Bantwal Taluk could give proper answers. Palemar then told the useless officers to get out of DK, if they cannot work devotedly. He said he would close down the two departments and shift their work to others.