Bangalore: Karnataka Chief Minister DV Sadananada Gowda on Thursday won the byelection to the Legislative Council defeating Congress candidate Anand Gaddadevaramath by a comfortable margin of 54 votes in a straight contest after JDS chose to abstain. Gowda secured 123 votes as against 69 by Anand out of the 199 votes polled in the election […]
Koppala: Karadi Sanganna of BJP as expected has won his by-poll by 12,488 votes, defeating his nearest Congress rival, B.Hitnal, by securing 60,405 votes, Hitnal received 47,917 votes, where as JD-S Pradeep Patil got 20,717 votes. Thus BJP has inflicted a daring defeat on its rivals. Only in 2004, Karadi suffered a defeat at the […]
Bangalore: C.P.Yogeshwar was elected in a by-poll with a thumping majority on a BJP ticket, by people who did no know his antecedents well, because they regret it. Now within a few months of his becoming a minister(for forests), on the strength of his remarkable win, several changes made against him, haunt him in court […]
Bangalore : Karnataka’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said Wednesday it was confident that mining baron G. Janardhana Reddy’s arrest would not affect the party in the Koppal assembly by-poll later this month. “Janardhana Reddy’s arrest and resignation of (Reddy associate and former health minister B.) Sriramulu from the assembly will not have any impact […]
Bangalore: In view of the deaths of MLAs earlier, Kadur & Gulbarga voters will note today to have new MLAs. All those parties are in the arena of ballot contest. They even think that these by-elections are prestigious. But only those people with votes in hand can decide who will get to the finishing line […]